107 Oak Hill Drive, London KY 40741   |   Telephone (606) 864-0100

Minks Nursery was started in 1942 by William H. Mink on the outskirts of London, Kentucky. The main plants that he carried were the traditional landscape plants of the time; Hemlock, Taxus, and Arborvitae, some of which are still evident in the immediate area. In the off-season, Mr. Mink supplemented his income as a local handsaw, then chainsaw, sharpening service. He became a district dealer in Lombard chainsaws and was a well-known southeast Kentucky authority on bonsai plants.

In 1981, Mr. Mink sold the Nursery to Arnold Samples, who had moved to the area in 1974. They decided to keep the Minks name because of the strong name-recognition that it enjoyed in the area. The family business grew and expanded to include many services, including landscape design & installation, concrete & stone work, swimming pool installation, certified lawn pest management.. Minks Outdoor Professionals is currently owned and operated by Arnold’s sons Michael & David Samples, as they continue the tradition and family business. David and Tammy Samples (Certified Pool Builders) and their son Josh Samples, along with Mike Samples (Certified KY Nurseryman, Certified Pesticide/Fungicide Applicator-Operator, Certified Arborist, and Gulf War Veteran, USN), Vicky Greenwell, and Jonathon Samples (Certified Turf Care Applicator) comprise the family business. We are always excited to hear from past, present and future clients! You are welcome to visit our Oak Hill Drive location to learn more about our products and services.

Minks Outdoor Professionals 107 Oak Hill Drive London KY 40741

Call us today at (606) 864-0100