107 Oak Hill Drive, London KY 40741   |   Telephone (606) 864-0100

Don’t let bad weather negatively affect your business! Let Minks Outdoor Professionals handle your snow removal needs. Our experienced snow removal experts will have your lot cleared of snow quickly and professionally. We are fully insured and operate professional, reliable equipment capable of handling your large lot needs. Minks can keep your lot clear to ensure your customers find your parking lot easy to access and safe to navigate, regardless of weather conditions.

Contact us today for more information about our Snow Removal Services.

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      For more information call or text:

      Mike Samples

      Or call our office at

      B.A., 1986, University of Kentucky; MBA, 2006, Eastern Kentucky University; Kentucky Certified Nurseryman, 2006; Certified Kentucky Pesticide Operator; Fayette County Certified Pool Operator; London Downtown, Inc. Board Member, 2003-2008; 10 year veteran of US Navy, Adjunct faculty-University of the Cumberlands, 2006-2009