107 Oak Hill Drive, London KY 40741   |   Telephone (606) 864-0100

Don’t let your lawn look like this!

   March 1st is the target date to have your pre-emergent weed control on the ground in eastern Kentucky.  Need to have it down by then to get it watered in before ground temps get over 52 degrees and all those weed seeds that have been in the ground over-wintering start germinating.  That’s the key […] Read more

Do insects die off in the winter?

  Insects are very adaptive and find plenty of ways to survive in the winter months.  Some, like cicadas, bury themselves underground, and others bury themselves under piles of leaves and brush. Others burrow into tree bark, like the Emerald Ash Borer pictured, and others, like Japanese Beetles, lay their eggs in the fall that […] Read more