These are recent pictures of Otto Lykens and Skip Laurels right here in Laurel County.. All these plants and also the ‘once thought to be indestructible’ nandinas in the entire region all look very bad, if not dead. That freeze we underwent in December 22-25 of 2022 was the coldest weather this area has seen in over 25 years. At the beginning of one of the mildest winters we have had for a long time. That data was from the National Weather Service website. The wind chills of -30 and the sustained cold for several days was extremely stressful, and a fatal blow, to many landscape trees and plants that we have been very successful in here for many years. With the nandinas, it is advisable to cut them down to ground and see if they grow back. If they are not dead, they probably will. The Ottos and Skips might come back, but that is as yet unknown. The best advice for all these plants is to just go back to the old fashioned dormant oils, or lighter Neem oils, to decrease the numbers of insects that over wintered and as these plants are very stressed, to also use some type of fungicide to help your plants ward off the myriad of diseases and insects that will be zeroing in on these weakened plants. Please contact us at Minks if you have questions about trying to help save your valued landscape plants.